The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.
Luke 10:2
Why Boise?
The Boise population is skyrocketing and with it the need for more pastors and churches. The city is growing by 20,000 new people every year, and they all need the hope of Jesus. Not only are new residents moving from the west coast, but the city is home to a significant refugee population.
Why Us?
Scott and Jackie Billings
We have served actively in ministry at Calvary Chapel of Tucson since 2009, volunteering as youth leaders and mentoring youth worship teams. In 2014, we both left professional careers in engineering and law to become a youth pastor/media director and stay-at-home mom. God has grown our reliance on Him and confidence in His word. In 2020, we became aware of the spiritual need in Boise and connected with several churches in the valley.
God stirred us up to start something new.
With the blessing of our church, Calvary Tucson ( and Pastor Robert Furrow, we stepped out in faith and committed to plant a non denominational church in Boise, Idaho. We are excited to return to Jackie’s home state, recognizing that we must rely on God every step of the way in this new adventure of faith!
Why Now?
In 2021, the United States and the world are still reeling from the COVID-19 crisis. Many people have lost family members, jobs, and more importantly, hope. Churches must be willing to step up and meet the practical needs in their communities. We see this as an opportunity to redefine the imperative of the Gospel: to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost, broken, and dying, while bringing the hope of salvation in Christ.